TUESDAY: The areas included in today’s scheduled water main flushing are: Jenner Rd at Hwy. 261 – everything northeast toward Boonville; Plank/Old Plank at Hwy. 62 – everything east toward Boonville.


(812) 925 6882

  • February 28, 2014

    Travel Safely

    The Warrick County Emergency Management Agency has released the following public safety announcement regarding this weekend’s anticipated bad weather:

    Yet another powerful winter weather system could affect the entire state of Indiana this weekend, potentially producing significant amounts of snow with freezing rain and sleet mixed in. This storm could disrupt travel across the state, and public safety officials are encouraging Hoosiers to carefully consider if travel will be necessary Sunday and Monday morning.
    Drivers are strongly encouraged to not put themselves, local emergency medical services, law enforcement, firefighters or other public safety professionals in harm’s way. Please listen to and follow county travel advisories to stay off the roads, both during the storm and after the storm when blowing and drifting snow could reduce visibility.
    The Indiana County Travel Advisory Map can be found at http://www.in.gov/dhs/traveladvisory/. It is updated with information from the county emergency management agencies and describes the conditions for a travel warning, watch, advisory and caution.
    For road updates, please visit http://indot.carsprogram.org/ or call 800-261-ROAD. DO NOT call local law enforcement or 9-1-1 for road information.
    If you must be on the roads, let someone know your route, expected time of arrival, and how to reach you. Charge your cell phone before leaving. Pack essential items such as high protein snacks, water, first aid kit, flashlight, warm blankets, extra prescription medications, and important documents or information you might need during an emergency.
    For more information, go to GetPrepared.IN.gov.