401 E. Lincoln Avenue
Chandler, IN 47610
(812) 925-7145 | Email
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
The Chandler Street Department maintains streets and rights of way in the town. This encompasses street re-construction, striping, and resurfacing; traffic control signage construction and maintenance; street and alley maintenance; mowing of town-owned properties and rights of way; fall curbside leaf pick-up; and snow removal on town-maintained streets.
The Town has adopted an ordinance regulating public right-of-way areas and responsibilities of property owners with property that abuts such right-of-ways: Ordinance 2018-09. It also requires anyone who will be digging, excavating, boring under, or otherwise changing the surface of any public right-of-way to obtain a written permit from the Director of Public Services. Click here for the Right-of-Way Permit Application.
Curbside trash and recycling services are available to residents through a number of private, local businesses. Residents have the freedom to choose whichever company offers a plan and rate that suits their needs. If curbside pickup is not preferred, the Warrick County Recycling & Resource Management District does offer a disposal and recycling Drop-Off Center on the southern edge of town.