MONDAY: Everything south of Hwy. 662, from Frame Rd. to Anderson Rd./Schneider Rd. between Hwy. 662 and Hwy. 66, Park Place Drive south to Hwy. 66, and the northeast corner of Hwy. 261 & Hwy. 66; and McCool Road to Millersburgh Road between Center Road and State Street north of Chandler.


(812) 925 6882

  • May 11, 2014

    National Police Week

    Today starts National Police Week, the week in which we remember all fallen law enforcement officers who have been killed in the line of duty. Last year, 105 officers lost their lives in the line of duty. This year, we are already at 40. These officers were fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters. Their families are left to deal with the loss.

    This week when you see an officer, deputy, or trooper justĀ give them a simple thank you to let them know you appreciate their service. These officers go to work each day never knowing what might happen and knowing it could be the last time they lace up their boots and go to work. To all the officers past and present, thank you for your service. To all the officers who have given their lives, there was no bigger price to pay.