(812) 925 6882

  • March 5, 2015

    Chandler Spurring Economic Development

    A new initiative is underway in Chandler that will encourage both positive economic development activity and best use of available commercial real estate.

    The Town of Chandler has acquired a 5-acre land parcel fronting SR 62 at the northwestern edge of town. The location of the parcel is the site of the vacated Fisher Bros. Lumber Company. The site is currently an eyesore of overgrowth and dilapidated buildings. Environmental hazards, including asbestos tiling, also exist on the site.

    The Town Council has completed purchase of the property, and through a grant from the State of Indiana will remove the environmental hazards and clean up the site.

    Once site preparation is completed, the Town will seek to recoup its investment by selling the land to one or more developers. Those developers are as of yet undetermined. The Town will not seek, encourage, or grant incentives to any development that competes with current local enterprise. Further, the Town Council will seek input from the community regarding best uses for the parcel.

    This activity is the latest phase in a multi-step process that aims to enhance the quality of life in the community through positive economic development activity.

    The property has already begun cleanup activity. Cleanup shall be completed by May 1, 2015 and the property will go on the market shortly thereafter.

    A press conference is being called for March 10 at 5 p.m. at the site to announce and initiate the improvement phase.

    For more information on this process, contact Brian K. Lucas, President of the Town Council, or any other Town Council member.